Social networking is an important aspect of successful career planning. In addition to our mentoring programs aimed at various target groups, we also offer a GRADUS Lounge (formerly MentoringLounge) twice a year for current and former mentees and mentors as well as collaboration partners. This provides numerous opportunities to establish and maintain relevant contacts.
Save the Date: GRADUS Lounges 2025
On July 17 and December 11, 2025, we will warmly welcome our mentors, mentees, and guests to our GRADUS Lounge. Both events will take place at the International Meeting Center 'Eulenhof', located at Robert-Leicht-Straße 161, Stuttgart.
Our past GRADUS Lounges
Our GRADUS Lounge "Future Skills: Your Success Factors in a Changing World" took place on December 16, 2024. In a welcoming atmosphere, mentors, mentees, and guests gathered to explore the key competencies that are becoming increasingly important in a rapidly evolving world.
The evening's keynote was delivered by Elke-Maria Rosenbusch, an expert in sustainable learning and transformation coaching. With her extensive experience in guiding professionals and executives, she provided valuable insights into so-called Future Skills – the interdisciplinary competencies essential in times of digital transformation and global change.
In her inspiring talk, Ms. Rosenbusch outlined the key qualifications that will be in high demand in the future. She emphasized the importance of adaptability, resilience, creativity, and empathy, linking scientific findings with practical examples. Her suggestions on how individuals and organizations can actively foster these skills to navigate the challenges of the modern working world were particularly insightful.
The event provided valuable impulses and left guests with many thought-provoking ideas for their personal and professional development.
Program GRADUS Lounge December 2024 | "Future Skills: Ihre Erfolgsfaktoren in einer Welt im Wandel"
Our GRADUS Lounge "AI in Dialogue" took place on June 27, 2024 at the International Meeting Center 'Eulenhof' in Stuttgart.
In cooperation with the renowned Baden-Württemberg Foundation, one of the largest operational foundations in Germany, we created a dynamic platform for lively discussions and the establishment of valuable connections between the mentors and mentees of our GRADUS mentoring programs and the fellows of the Elite Program for Postdocs by the Baden-Württemberg Foundation.
The event focused on current AI issues and included an engaging panel discussion on topics such as:
- ethics in AI development
- the impact of AI on research methods
- collaboration between research and industry
- responsible AI research and technology transfer
- liability, social implications, and the limits of AI
The discussion was moderated by the award-winning journalist, speaker, and moderator, Eva Wolfangel.
The discussion was led by renowned experts including:
- Jun.-Prof. Alina Roitberg, Institute for Artificial Intelligence at the University of Stuttgart, Group Leader "Intelligent Sensing and Perception"
- Jun.-Prof. Amrei Bahr, Institute for Philosophy at the University of Stuttgart, expert in Applied Ethics and the Philosophy of Technology
- Prof. Andreas Moring, International School of Management in Hamburg, author and expert for decision-making in digital workspaces
- Dr. Michael Pfeiffer, Robert Bosch GmbH, Head of the Artificial Intelligence Research (AIR) department and mentor in the GRADUS Mentoring Program.
The event provided a unique opportunity to make valuable connections and discuss the challenges and potential of AI.
In a world where Zoom and Miro shape our daily work routine, remote work discussions polarize, and gorillas deliver the cod fillet for the evening 'Dinner for One,' Prof. Dr. Maximilian Lude impressed us on December 12, 2023, with his extensive insights into innovation, transformation, and the future of work. His thoughts on 'Fit for the Future, Prepared for Companies – From Cod Fillets to Metaverses' expanded our perspectives and prompted us to contemplate the challenges and opportunities of the evolving work environment.
Especially intriguing was his focus on contextual competence, crucial in a time when technologies like TikTok, AR, and AI influence our world. Engaging with questions about the future, companies, and personal preparation motivated us to find solutions together. A heartfelt thank you, Prof. Dr. Maximilian Lude, for the valuable insights and inspiring impulses!
Program GRADUS Lounge December 2023 | Fit for the Future, Prepared for Companies
The GRADUS-Lounge on Thursday, July 13, 2023 was a special one. We organized it in cooperation with the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung, one of the largest operational foundations in Germany, and we welcomed as guests fellows of the Elite-Program for Postdocs of the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung.
For a keynote speech, we won Professor Hans-Hennig von Grünberg. Professor von Grünberg is the holder of the Chair for Knowledge and Technology Transfer at the University of Potsdam, Chairman of the University Alliance for SMEs, and winner of the award for University Manager of the Year (2017). His work focuses on the topic of "Transferring Knowledge and Innovation from Research to Practice."
Program GRADUS-Lounge July 2023 I Transferring Knowledge from Research to Practice (in German)
In the GRADUS-Lounge on December 20, 2022, in the beautiful premises of the International Meeting Center at the University of Stuttgart / Internationales Begegnungszentrum der Universität Stuttgart - Eulenhof focused on astute communication and directed our attention to the success factor - credibility. With one of the most renowned speakers in the field of communication, Stefan Häseli, we expanded our communicative competence in the following areas:
- Living different roles: How to reach your counterpart internally
- Communicating uniquely well: Creating better relationships
- Professional or private life: Achieving more credibility with the right communication
Program GRADUS-Lounge I Success factor - Credibility (in German)
The GRADUS Lounge on Tuesday, July 5, 2022 started at 6:00 pm at ARENA2036 on the Vaihingen Campus. We were very excited to host this networking event in cooperation with ARENA2036 and the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ENI).
In the GRADUS Lounge on December 2, 2021, Dr. Simone Burel, researcher and successful managing director of LUB GmbH - Linguistische Unternehmensberatung, has been our guest. She spoke about how networking works in hybrid times and its potential. Dr. Burel reported on her experiences at the interface between science and business and provided valuable insights, tips and tricks into the hybrid form of network building and maintenance in various online communities.
The second GRADUS-Lounge took place on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, where the topic “The Art of Leadership” was presented by Mrs. Kathrin Keune. Many guests were in attendance, including new mentees and mentors of the LiveScience Mentoring-Program 2020 Cohort, as well as current and former mentees and mentors.
Mrs. Keune, founder and CEO of Artsbased Solution, is a counselor, expressive arts therapist and mezzo-soprano. As a coach, she accompanies professors of German universities, leaders of the Max Planck Society as well as companies in questions of leadership, corporate development and professional communication. The artistic methodology provides the central framework for finding new and surprising solutions.
Participants were invited into a "community art process". Closely guided by Mrs. Keune, they used their space at home to approach the topic through artistic play. By getting into motion and using the mind and body, thought-provoking impulses emerge that would otherwise not be possible.
Attendees learned that good leadership means first and foremost to be self-aware and to remain capable of acting in any situation. Participants had the opportunity to experience and sharpen their own understanding of leadership and their own style.
The first digital GRADUS-Lounge took place Friday, June 26, 2020. Former and current mentees, mentors and guests were invited to learn about Impostor Syndrome from our keynote speaker, Mrs. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Ute Gietzen-Wieland.
Mrs. Gietzen-Wieland has been working as a personnel consultant, career coach, potential diagnostician and management trainer for well-known national and international personnel and career consulting companies for over 20 years. In 2015, with the official permission of Prof. Dr. Pauline Rose Clance (Georgia State University, Atlanta), she translated her English language questionnaire "Clance Impostor Scale" into German.
With the guided expertise of Mrs. Gietzen-Wieland, attendees were able to understand what Impostor Syndrome is, received tips on how to overcome this feeling and learn that everyone experiences this at some point in their life, regardless of gender, ethnicity, age, status, profession, etc.
Ekaterina Deckers
Coordinator Mentoring Programs