Professional Presentation Skills for the Academic Context

19. März 2025

Thema: Akademische Kompetenzen
Anbieter: Graduierten-Akademie (GRADUS)

Zeit: 19. – 20. März 2025
  March 19, 2025, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
March 20, 2025, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Referent*in: Eva Fernández Ammann (freelance trainer, facilitator and consultant for universities, companies and associations).
Veranstaltungssprache: englisch
Diese Weiterbildung richtet sich an : Promovierende
Leistungspunkte: 1 credit point
Modus (Ort): online
Veranstaltungsort: University of Stuttgart
The participants will receive the access-link and all necessary infomation one day before the seminar.
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Practical knowledge and skills to better structure, visualize and deliver the content of presentations in an engaging, convincing and motivating manner.

Professional presentations, whether online or offline, of projects, ideas, work results and theoretical inputs form part of the academic “core business”. The ability to successfully convey knowledge, findings and insights in both research and teaching is therefore an essential skill for every graduate student giving talks and presen­tations in class, at scientific conferences or to potential employers.

In this workshop, we will outline key elements of effective and memorable presen­tations which include aspects of structure, delivery and audience interaction. The participants will be empowered by reflecting on basic success factors of professional presentations as well as their personal strengths and po­tential. The workshop will provide them with practical knowledge and skills to better structure, visualize and deliver the content of their presentations in an engaging, persuasive and motivating manner.
Participants will be asked to prepare and hold a short presentation in order to prac­tice presenting in a safe space and to receive constructive peer and profes­sional feedback on key aspects of their individual presentation style.


  • Success factors of professional presentations from the audience's perspective
  • Key elements of successful presentations online and offline
  • Practical tips and ideas for effective presentations as an interaction of content & structure, presentation & design and performance & audience interaction.
  • Feedback rules & feedback culture
  • Individual presentations & peer feedback
  • Further development of personal presentation skills and individual presentation style

Learning Objectives:

By attending this workshop, you will:

  • Improve your professional presentation skills, both for face-to-face and virtual environments
  • Be aware of the key elements of effective presentations and develop your individual presentation style
  • Practice presenting in a protected space and both give and receive constructive feedback
  • Recognize and consciously use your personal strengths and potentials



Dieses Bild zeigt Tatsiana  Radziyeuskaya

Tatsiana Radziyeuskaya



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