To know about the nature, causes and typical process of conflicts will help you to act more successfully and to prevent escalation.
Normally we are puzzled when negative emotions come up in a discussion with scientific fellows, with the doctor-father or other persons one has to get on with at university or in a company.
Therefore it is of great advantage to be sensitive for signs of disagreements which are visible first in the body language. To know about the nature, causes and typical process of conflicts will help you to act more successfully and to prevent escalation.
In this training you get a chance to look at your attitudes and experiences towards conflicts. In the practical part we apply the principles of good communication in order to find better options for solving conflicts you may be faced with right now or in your near future.
Of course it's all confidential!
Learning results:
Via input, dialog and exercises you will improve your skills to
- make a good analysis of all the various aspects of an ongoing conflict
- put forward your interests in such away that it doesn't offend other people
- apply techniques to make a clear stop-sign when other people act unfair
- become diplomatic in harsh meetings and help to deescalate if necessary
- use body language and humour to cool down yourself and others
- reflect about your own contribution to a given conflict and find ways to build up trust again
Tatsiana Radziyeuskaya